From SDG Group we have collaborated on the ‘Plan Cruz Roja RESPONDE’ (Red Cross RESPONDS Plan) deploying an Open Data platform that aims to share information about the Red Cross' actions to respond to the pandemic.
In March, the Red Cross launched the ‘Plan Cruz Roja RESPONDE’ (Red Cross RESPONDS Plan) to take action in response to COVID-19 in all areas of society that are affected; emergencies, health, social inclusion, education, employment, and the environment.
SDG Group worked with the Red Cross to develop the ‘Red Cross Open Data Platform’ for its Plan to make data centralized, current, and transparent to all citizens and stakeholders.
Project’s keys
The project's biggest challenge was achieving the platform's development and deployment in a short time. Still, it was a success thanks to SDG Group's expertise in Power BI technology and the full involvement of the Red Cross.
The Red Cross is a pioneer for sharing the ‘Plan Cruz Roja RESPONDE’ information and progress in real-time to consult and make decisions. SDG Group provided the business intelligence that enabled the Spanish Red Cross to use the ‘Red Cross Open Data Platform’ to unite, analyze, and make different data sources fully transparent.
Some figures of the ‘Plan Cruz Roja RESPONDE’
- More than 2 million people received care.
- The plan mobilized more than 56,561 volunteers who continue to collaborate nationwide.
- More than 590,000 people were supplied with essential goods and medicines.
Here you can see the Red Cross Open Data Platform.
This project is included within our collaborations in social initiatives in order to provide our maximum value, putting data at the service of organizations.
About the Red Cross
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is an international humanitarian movement with approximately 97 million volunteers, members and staff worldwide which was founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering.