Discover SDG Group’s Innovation Radar

At SDG Group, innovation is the fuel that drives our value propositions in the field of Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.

Our solutions and architecture designs reflect a solid balance between the technological edge and the use of stable technologies, which has allowed us to build consistent and modern data architectures, offering complete capabilities to meet our customer’s business needs.

Thanks to this vision, we have positioned ourselves as a leader in professional services specialized in Data & AI.

We believe that true innovation thrives on collaboration and knowledge sharing. That is why we have decided to share our Innovation Radar with the world. This is a dynamic, ever-evolving tool that reflects the latest trends and tools impacting the data universe.

Radar (1)

What will you find? 

The creation of this Radar brings together hours of discussion between specialists, technologists, academic institutions, and renowned manufacturers. In it, you will find a complete overview of the trends that are transforming Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence architectures towards modernization.

Our first volume highlights emerging trends–but it doesn’t stop there. In future updates, we will transform this resource into a dynamic asset with an interactive web interface. Additionally, we will expand its content to include frameworks, tools and design patterns associated with each trend.

Join us on this journey into the future of data analytics and discover how these trends can propel your business to success.