17 May 2023 / 04:59 AM

The Powerful Force of Dark Data in Our Business

SDG Blog

In astrophysics, Dark Matter is described as the hypothetical form of matter that does not emit enough electromagnetic radiation to be detected with current technology, but whose existence can be inferred from gravitational effects in our world. In our business world and to decision makers this term is known as “Dark Data”.

Dark data is a type of unstructured data that runs through our systems and technology networks but is not saved, stored or used to improve our business performance.


Some useful examples:

  1. In an e-commerce portal: much of the information received prior to the time of the purchase is not stored or analyzed, but it is very important to detect our customer´s behavior in order to identify sales opportunities that are not in our products/services portfolio.
  2. Many customers who physically visit a Bank branch, leave a trace of their phones on the wifi network. Banks could better understand which branches have more traffic or clusters, where to make efforts to strengthen those with higher saturation and be more efficient in those that are not.
  3. Electrical or gas network, windmills or water facilities do not have enough sensors and/or are not connected in real time. Imagine if we could have that data. We could be more efficient with the maintenance of facilities, be more proactive in anticipating possible errors and be more capable of managing our resources and contributing to build a better world.


If you think about potential applications in the world of Retail, Pharma, Healthcare, Education, Fashion, you will see that we have an exciting world to discover with a valuable outcome for many of our customers.

In SDG we are working together with Datumize to innovate, shine a light to a dark set of data, contribute to our customer´s BIG DATA, which is ultimately the center of our success. If you allow me to use this metaphor and if any of you are Star Wars fans, use the dark side to bring light to this hidden data with great value to our business. 

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